
Seng Bum Michael Yoo
(Principal Investigator)

Michael is interested in understanding the neural population inferring the world when an agent is foraging/hunting in interactive and dynamic environments. Michael got his B.S in biomedical science and psychology at Handong University. He obtained his Ph.D. in neuroscience from the University of Minnesota (Advisor: Dr. Benjamin Hayden) and subsequently did his postdoc at Massachusetts Institution of Technology (Advisor: Dr. Mehrdad Jazayeri).
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Sangkyu Son

Sangkyu is spending his first year of graduate school in the department of biomedical engineering at SKKU. His primary interest lies in how humans are able to distinguish oneself from the external world and act as a continuous observer.
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Jungwoo Kim
(Co-mentored with Prof. Choong Wan Woo)

Jungwoo is a graduate student at the department of global biomedical engineering at Sungkyunkwan University. He majored in Systems biology and minored in philosophy at Yonsei University. He is mainly interested in state-space modeling, using data from human fMRI and electrophysiology data from non-human primates.

Jaeyoung Jeon
(Co-mentored with Prof. Won Mok Shim)

Jaeyoung is a graduate student at the department of global biomedical engineering at Sungkyunkwan University. He majored in Psychology and minored in Interaction science. He is mainly interested in dynamic decision making process under naturalistic environments, using data from human fMRI.

Hayeon Kim
(Co-mentored with Prof. Minah Suh)

Hayeon is a graduate student at the department of biomedical engineering at Sungkyunkwan University. She is mainly interested in modeling excitatory-inhibitory neural network to explain brain activity acquired by optical imaging or electrophysiological data.

Maria Sanz

Maria is a graduate student at the Department of Global Biomedical Engineering at Sungkyunkwan University. She majored in computer science at Sungkyunkwan University. She was awarded with the Global Korea Scholarship to attend Sungkyunkwan University.

Hyerin Jang

Hyerin is a graduate student at the Department of Global Biomedical Engineering at Sungkyunkwan University. She is a double major in digital media and bioinformatics at Seoul Women’s University. She is interested in designing behavioral experiments and analyzing data related to abstract reasoning and sequential planning.

Selin Samra

Selin is a graduate student at the Department of Global Biomedical Engineering at Sungkyunkwan University. She majored computer science at Sungkyunkwan University. She was awarded with prestigious Samsung Global Scholarship to attend Sungkyunkwan University. Before transferring, she studied mathematics for a year at Middle East Technical University in Turkey.

Hyeongjin Ahn

Hyeongjin is a graduate student at the Department of Global Biomedical Engineering at Sungkyunkwan University. He majored in biomedical science at CHA university. He is interested in understand the decison making process, using behavioral experiments.


Hasti is a graduate student at the department of global biomedical engineering at Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU). She is a medical doctor and majored in Medicine from Iran university of medical sciences (IUMS). She has a keen interest in developing implantable brain–computer interfaces (BCIs) to unlock new avenues in medical approaches, aiming for a deeper understanding of the nervous system and innovative approaches to disease treatment.


Diponkor is a graduate student at the department of biomedical engineering at Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU). He majored in computer science and engineering at Islamic University, Bangladesh. He is mainly interested in developing computational models to understand brain activity patterns and figure out how humans and animals think and make decisions through analyzing optical imaging and electrophysiological data.

Hyunhoe Ahn
(Co-mentored with Prof. Seok-Jun Hong)

Hyunhoe is a graduate student at the department of biomedical engineering at Sungkyunkwan University. He majored in mechanical engineering and minored in psychology at Yonsei University. He is interested in modeling task-optimized Recurrent Neural Network as a tool for understanding neural dynamics.

Daehoon Kim

Daehoon is a data scientist from King’s College London with a master’s degree in data science.

Jiyoung Lee
(Co-mentored with Prof. Minah Suh)

Jiyoung is a graduate student at the department of biomedical engineering at Sungkyunkwan University. She is interested in pose-tracking and the development of neural network models to elucidate brain activity patterns captured through optical imaging.

Sungjun Kang

Sung Jun is a graduate student at the Department of Global Biomedical Engineering at Sungkyunkwan University. He is interested in hierarchical, inverse reinforcement learning to understand how humans achieve hierarchical control.

Sujung Oh

Sujung is an undergraduate student in Electronic and Electrical Engineering at Sungkyunkwan University. She is interested in reverse-engineering human mind and brain, with a focus on how humans learn and make decisions.

Haram Rha

Haram is an undergraduate student who has triple major in Physics and Computer Science and Electronic and Electrical Engineering at Sungkyunkwan University. He is interested in brain–computer interface (BCI), and computational neuroscience.

Suwan Kim

Suwan is an undergraduate student in Biomedical Engineering at Sungkyunkwan University. She is interested in similarity between natural intelligence and artificial intelligence to better understand how human think and behave. She is currently learning reinforcement learning to figure that out.

Junbo Shim

Junbo is an undergraduate student in the department of biomedical engineering at Sungkyunkwan University. He is mainly interested in how humans think and make decisions. He seeks to address his questions through inverse reinforcement learning. 제공.